Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Deutschland Deutschland Über Alles

Germany is very sad tonight.
After a hell of a good World Cup run, in which they were generally outstanding and often (to my totally objective eye) looked like simply the best team in the tournament, Deutschland fell 1:0 to Spain in a semifinal game, one win short of the final. Facepaint flags are smeared with tears, arms are sore from crossing, faces from scowling, dogs howl lamentations in heartbreaking harmonies, beer is converted into urine at an even higher than usual rate, the bottom is no doubt falling out of the yellow/red/black cheap plastic crap market as I type, aaaand by next week all will be forgotten.

Today I took two finals and officially started my summer vacation. (And it's only July 7th! Am I dreaming?!) Tomorrow morning I head south to Austria, hopefully in time to escape the rising black flood of depression spreading across Germany. I started a pre-trip photo dump blog post today--I'd barely finished boasting about how often I've been posting when soccer-watchin' responsibilities got in the way. I suppose I have about 8 hours of train ride tomorrow. I'll do what I can to post from down south. Take care 'til then.