Thursday, March 25, 2010

Postcard Policy Announcement

Hello everyone! I have a few very odd photos and a very important announcement for you all. First, because it is important, the announcement:

As you may recall from my first post, my original postcard policy was "I'll send you one if you send me one," with a special exception for grandmothers. This policy has proven to be both pretty presumptuous, as I have yet to get a thing from any of you beautiful people, and unrealisitc in light of my own fondness for purchasing, writing, and mailing postcards.

So, the new postcard policy is as follows: send me your address and I will send you a postcard. You can email me your address, leave it in the comments, shout it to the east wind, whatever. I would still really like to get physical news from and about you special individuals, of course--also updates on such American topics as baseball and black beans and wasting water--but I suppose as I am the one on an adventure in the interesting tourist destination I can bear the majority of the postcard burden.

Speaking of adventures: I have next week off, so I am taking a trip to Hamburg between Monday and Wednesday! I bought my train tickets and made my hostel reservation today--a bit less than 200 Euros all told, so not bad for such short notice. I still need to do some research, but as I understand it, Hamburg is a working-class harbor town. While not as vast as Berlin, it's still a major city with it's own incredibly rich history and local culture, and it ought to be a little more down-to-earth and thoroughly German than the Hauptstadt. I am looking forward to water, and the Star Club, and cheap beer in harbor bars.

On to the Photos:

I seem to take a lot of pictures of advertisements, but that's only because they are so crazy. This one is for some kind of orange-n-chili-flavored energy sausage. The text reads "Tired? Eat sausage!"

Burger King is stupid popular here. It is kind of upscale, which is bizarre--same crappy food, but relatively much more expensive. I suppose they are just capitalizing on the popularity of the American brand. These Mountain Burgers are definitely very American. After many debates in many train stations I still think I would go with the Rocky Cheese: despite it's tooth-chipping name, it is the only one of the trio that features an entire patty of fried cheese.
Lotsa cranes at sunset. I swear sometimes it seems like as soon as they finish a building they start taking it apart again.

The Grande Finale: I was out walking with my buddy Nate the other day when we happened upon this art gallery that featured all kinds of porcelain pugs.So great.


  1. Love the pugs! Do they sell postcards?
    And let's hear a peaches christ superstar report please!

  2. god those burgers look so much more delicious than anything bk has here. And energy sausage is a terrifying concept.

    If you have provided an address for us to send things to in any obvious place, I have missed it.

  3. Oh and i lost desi's address but i will get it to you soon once she gives me it again

  4. maya: turns out i reserved a ticket for the show tonight, and also i may not have reserved a ticket at all. current plan is just to go to the venue before showtime and demand a ticket at the will-call window. Also:
    1509 Hearst
    Berkeley, CA XXXXX?

    sam: my berlin address is in the ABOUT ME box constantly hovering on the upper right side of this blog

  5. Oh yeah that's a sensible place for it

  6. yeah heads up i think mkuehn is mom :)

  7. I'm going to go postcard hunting this week. KEEP WRITING, MAXY MY BOY.
