Sunday, March 14, 2010

Meine Wohnung

I haven’t even blogged about where I am living yet! Let’s rectify the situation.

I have rented a room in mid-sized apartment near the Alexanderplatz, a major city center in the region formerly known as East Berlin. I live here with Katja Lehmann, a 27-year-old student of economics and English, and her reserved, long-haired cat, Maußi.

Now this wouldn’t be any kind of an apartment post without a picture of the actual building—a cool old blocky structure, built by socialists, for socialists. Your typical apartment-dweller would have to actually bundle up (it’s about 40 degrees here), go downstairs (I live on the 7th floor), and cross the street to obtain such a photo, but luckily for me, I have an identical model right outside my window:

And another one right next to that!

And yes, there is a fourth version of this same building next door to me, so we have a perfect square of perfect squares. And yet, for all its planned economy regularity, the whole complex is not oppressive or boring, just…orderly. These buildings are refreshingly frou-frou free and big without being monumental; though very much planned out with a T-square in hand, these are still human structures. The big trees on the boulevard help as well. Oh, and my building is actually a pleasant minty green instead of industrial grey.

Now for a quick photographic tour of the joint:

Here is my room. It is much larger than I expected—apparently when Germans use the word “cozy,” they mean “homey and comfortable,” not “incredibly cramped”—with all the furniture a man could ask for. There is also a television, which I should probably try to watch sometimes for the language practice.

The living room, with tulips. The winter here has been unusually long, cold, and snowy, and the spring is off to a rough start—a sudden sleetstorm came out of nowhere just now, for example—but one can still buy fresh flowers at little stands and markets all over the city.

The frustratingly tiny kitchen. This apartment has three spacious bedrooms and a nice big living room, but for whatever reason the kitchen is the size of a shoebox. But it is a kitchen and the appliances work and the table is stable, so I can’t complain.

Maußi remains mysterious. She is one of those cats who seems just barely here on earth, as if she exists mostly on some other plane. I don’t know if she is in contact with spirits, or working for aliens, or like tuned in to the worldwide communication grid, but she is clearly operating on more information than the rest of us. She doesn’t like to be touched anywhere besides the head, and even ear-scratches are strictly off-limits if Maußi hasn’t formally petitioned for an ear-scratch. We’re still feeling each other out, but we have had a couple of nice sit-n’-pet sessions.


A view of the Alexanderplatz in all its well-lit nighttime glory. The blue glow on the left is a huge electronics retailer, the blue glow on the right is an elevator down to the U-Bahn (subway), and the red glow in the back is a massive mall.

A view out the front door of the study abroad center where I have been working through a German course with my 40 or so fellow students. The building with the big HOW LONG IS NOW mural is full to the top with squatters, mostly artists peddling their wares. There is also a bar and a theatre. The other night I made my way up to the top floor, where a the painter Alexander Rodin, 60 year old Italian man with a full beard, was drinking red wine, playing youtube opera at a very high volume, and singing along in a booming baritone. I bought a print of one of his huge, intricate, very bizarre paintings.

P.S.: NERD ALERT: I have started writing down new German words I encounter through during the day. When I get home I look up the definitions and make flashcards to study on the train.

Today's list:
surgeon--der Chirurg
psoriasis--die Schuppenflechte
well known--wohlbekannt

P.P.S.: I have too many photos to display them all here. Maybe I will set up some sort of online photo album in addition to this blog. Will update as the situation develops.


  1. Oh man your building is so rad. I would kill for that apartment, any idea what the real-word rent is on it? Also is there any particular time you are on the internet?

  2. also that cat looks super cool.

  3. i do not know about real world rent for a place like this. people livin in smaller places in the city have given me numbers like 600 euro-dollars a month (so maybe 820 usd), but as this place is a little out of the pit and pretty nice and full of professionals I imagine die Miete are a little steeper.

    I suppose I am mostly on the internet in the evening, say between 6 and 11 pm, which is about noon to five minnesota time.

    sorry I'm draggin my ass on this blog there is just a lot to do.

  4. i love that we both buy flowers to brighten up apartments. it is indeed adorable - better than the grainy images i saw via video chat. and maußi is super cute. it's more fun when you have to win them over anyway. iiii want to come visit!

  5. she is neato bandito I cant get over it

    like i wanna comission a manga artist to draw a portrait of her

  6. that cat is really absurdly cute. it seems like it might be the perfect kitty.
